Dr. Francesco Restuccia was awarded a UCSD CSE Postdoc Fellowship to return to UCSD to develop safe and secure system-on-chip architectures.

Francesco is very familiar with UCSD (and vice versa). He spent about 9 months here as a visiting PhD student from January – August 2020. Despite much of his time here being under lockdown, he was incredibly productive. Francesco developed the Aker security verification framework for system on a chip (SoC) access control that was published in ICCAD 2021. Additionally, Francesco worked on another project to develop a makeshift ventilator system in response to the pandemic (see IEEE Embedded Systems Letter for more info).
Francesco will continue his work on developing safe and secure electronic systems, in particular, we aim to explore the use of program synthesis for secure system generation in collaboration with Sean Gao and Nadia Polikarpova. Be on the look out for some more VeriSketch-like research lead by Francesco.
Welcome back Francesco!