The Science Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) program is a US Department of Defense (DoD) scholarship aimed at training top talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. SMART fellows are paired with a DoD institution where they spend the summers working on research and then transition into those labs after graduation.
As part of the scholarship, Peter will continue his research with the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific. Peter’s research looks at how to better use autonomous vehicles (drones and underwater vehicles) to create large scale 3D models. He was been doing research with NIWC Pacific — a large San Diego Navy research facility — for the past couple of years. SMART will allow him to continue this collaboration both during his PhD and after.
Peter is not the first SMART student in our lab. Dr. Chris Barngrover was given a SMART scholarship to fund his PhD thesis on developing novel technologies for finding mines in sonar images. Chris also worked with NIWC Pacific (then SPAWAR).